Friday, 13 December 2013

We are home

Ellen is HOME! The endoscopy failed to show a point of bleeding. This is bad news in terms of finding a definite cause but good news as it suggests that whatever was bleeding has settled. The most likely explanation is that the bleeding was from the veins in her tummy caused by damage to Ellen's liver during her previous treatment. We are keeping everything crossed that she does not bleed again and that she can enjoy christmas without anymore hospital visits. She will have another endoscopy at Kings in 2 months to check everything is OK.


  1. Welcome home dear Ellen! Have a lovely weekend, get strong again, and start to be ready for Christmas coming very soon!
    Lots of love from Papa and Granny Gill XX

  2. So happy to hear you are back home! Get ready for all those Christmas dinners that I'm sure are on the way!
    Hope to see you soon
    Ms DiNucci

  3. Yay Miss Ellen your home.
    I'll get baking those mince pies tomorrow x

