We have made it to day +100 and (unsurprisingly) there seems to be no apparent difference to day +99! It is a significant milestone though, as Ellen will start to be weaned off her immunosuppressants. It will take at least a year for her new bone marrow to be fully effective and we still have to be ultra-vigilant about avoiding crowds and potential sources of infection. All being well, she may be back at school in January. Ellen is making steady progress but the biggest struggle is nutrition. She is underweight due to a combination of not eating enough and recovering guts. It is, however, over 7 weeks since her last transfusion and all her blood results are gradually heading in the right direction.
We briefly wanted to thank all of you who sponsored Rowley in the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc. Unfortunately he had to retire injured after an incredible 79kms in 15 hours. A great effort nonetheless and he has raised over £10,000 for CLIC Sargent.
Great bike, pink - wow! Congratulations on day +100+5 Ellen. Are your lymphocytes kicking in a little yet? Mike's have just got to 0.4 which is exciting. Keep up the good work, xxxMandy